I was told before that there was no better place to be in the summer than New England. I have always tried to understand why with very little luck. Is it the mild, soft weather? Is it the architecture? Is it the raw beauty of nature? Is it the hundreds of miles of coastline that zigzag endlessly while overlooking the ocean? I’m not sure why.
Maybe I’m romanticizing an innocent childhood spent roaming wild and free along the coastlines of Morocco. It seems to evoke a certain indescribable joy within me. Stumbling upon a quaint fishing shack nestled behind a coastal village. As I entered, the aroma of various seafood offerings filled the air. I approached the cashier, seeking recommendations, but before I could even finish my sentence, she enthusiastically replied, ‘You’ve got to try the salmon burger.’ And before I could finish the first bite, the bursting flavors of the salmon burger reminded me that I was in New England.
The day, of course, is spent at the beach, strolling near the ocean and savoring the beautiful architecture of the New England summer homes. The water is always refreshingly cool, gently reminding you that winter is just around the corner. It’s hard to believe that this entire area will soon be covered in snow, giving it a whole new meaning. I asked a local, ‘What do you guys do during the winter?’ and he enthusiastically replied, ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing. We bundle up and engage in winter activities. The mountains are just around the corner, and I can’t wait for what the next season has to offer’.
The evenings are filled with beautiful sunsets watching sailboats roam around without a care in the world. The food and night scenery quickly takes over the place and the air is filled with joy and laughter.
I’m bewildered and still don’t understand why New England is so appealing. Then it sort of hit me recently. My daughter tried a new equestrian club and I asked her if she liked it. She said “Not really”. I asked her why and her response was that she didn’t feel it and vibe was sort of weird even though it was beautiful. She was struggling to find the words as well. She wants to go back to her previous club because its more relaxed and nicer. Again, she couldn’t find the words to express why she liked it better.
Then I realized that there are certain things that can’t be adequately conveyed through words; they must be savored in silence. Words, in a sense, can only express so much, and we must appreciate beauty in its intrinsic form. In a way, it defies explanation or description; it must be relished in its unadulterated state, in silence, with a smile 🙂
Autumn in Boston & New England is for leaf-peeping, old-fashioned apple-cider doughnuts paired with either hot or cold apple cider, fresh pumpkin pie, clam chowder with oyster crackers, scrumptious and addicting pecan pie cups, coffee cake, apple fritters, crisp mornings and sunny afternoons, chipmunks and squirrels stowing away chestnuts, an evening cup of tea with book in a hammock, and a brisk stroll around the neighborhood whilst enjoying the shuffling, fallen leaves.
Love it:)