Florida Fall

The gentle soft wind quietly reminds me that summer is over. My soul re-emerges on a light happy note. Reminding me the heat wave is over.

The madness behind, I can quietly cherish the calmness of the fall, the ease of upcoming “winter”, the happy festivities and the light crowd in upcoming months.

The soft evening soft wind with winter colors are tender, gentle and gives you a sense of hope that new things are ahead. Yet, the past always lurks behind with its gentle soft memories and you wonder if you could ever re-live those wonderful memories in past that you so wonderfully cherished with someone special. You can smile and rest assured that those memories are always with you giving you a sense of hope/motivation that you can accomplish anything you ever wish and desire.

You tend to hold on firmly to those memories with all your might and wonder the millions of scenarios that could have unfolded.

The sun sets, the night comes along and at moment, all we can do, is wish ahead 🙂

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